Saturday, January 29, 2011

Living Amongst the Chaos

This food world we are emerged in is no easy world to live in!  There are tempations, treats and everything imagineable in between!  When you add to the mix a food sensitivity/allergy combined with knowledge it can seem unbearable and overwhelming.

However, as I've learned 'knowledge is power'.  We're told that, taught that and given many chances to test it out - but it wasn't until this food journey that I really began to understand it.  As I've mentioned, my entire family rides this crazy food train with me...really they have no choice :)  I am the chief grocery shopper, meal planner and well overall crazy lady of the house!  They get what I bring home, mix up and put in front of them.  But, I do try to make it all make sense to them!

This past week it became apparent to me that I am making strides in this area with everyone in our household!  My oldest, my very sweet and kind daughter, came home from school announcing she'd had a watermelon cup left over from the hot lunch orders...'mom, I checked it out and the ingredients said it was just watermelon!'  I LOVE that she read the label!  I LOVE that she took ownership of knowing what a good choice is and made it!  I LOVE that she on her level gets what this is about!  Then there's my son, a very competitive sports oriented guy, who was invited to the one and only Chuck E Cheese with a friend....without much of a thought - he asked me to make him a GF pizza here at home and he'd just play games, WOW, no question about it - he got it!  And lastly, but most certainly not the least, my ever understanding husband, Mr. E.  He hauled me along this week on a trip down to Tacoma where he had to drop something off, and checked out a local meat and product place with me!  He was excited and energetic about talking to the owner and was just as thrilled as I was to find the meat was natural, much of it grass fed and he knew where the meat came from!  I'll write more on this place after we've tried everything we got! 

I know I haven't changed the world or moved mountains by any means - but I have made a huge shift in the thinking of my family.  If you know me you know I can be a bit obsessive about things and this has been no exception.  However, I've completely revamped how we all eat - no easy task!  I respect that I have kids, and they are just that --- kids!  Sometimes I feel bad that they don't do McDonald's or the like. That somehow I've taken away their 'kidness' by removing the bright colorful food, the overprocessed food and the fast food from their lives...but when I see that they have taken ownership in it, when I see that they understand what is in their food and when I see that they get what a better choice this is, I am humbled and in awe of what a little knowledge has given our family!

1 comment:

  1. So often I hear of parents who have decided to change their diets and eat more healthy to lose weight or for whatever reasons. They serve their kids dinner and then fix something else "healthy" for themselves. While I know their intentions are good, we're really doing our kids a disfavor by not teaching them and helping them make better choices. Kudos to you and your family for working on this endeavor together!
