Saturday, January 1, 2011

Here goes nothing (or really everything)!

I've been living gluten free for a year now, my kids since May of 2010. Over this past year and especially since removing gluten from my kids' diet I've worked hard to make sure we aren't 'missing' out on anything! If there is something they want to eat, my goal is to figure out how to make it for them!

During this time, I've learned a lot. Maybe even too much! I light heartedly call myself the 'food freak', because really I am a bit freaky about what is put in our mouths. As I've researched I've discovered there was more than just gluten in our diets that needed elimating!

Consequently we don't eat any food containing food dye and try desperately to keep high fructose corn syrup, MSG and certain preservatives out of our diets.

As I mentioned, I've learned a lot! I wish I'd had more resources at my finger tips, and still do! So, upon the recommendation of several friends I am starting this blog. My plan is to share the things I've learned, why we are doing them and any tips/resources that have helped my family move forward in this freaky food world of ours!

I will cautiously say that these are simply my personal opinions! Things that have worked out for me and my family! Use what you can, offer support/suggestions when appropriate, but please keep your negative comments to yourself :)

So, with that! Here we go! Not sure what this journey will include but I do know that I have the most amazing circle of family and friends who support me and my ventures!

Here's to 2011 and checking one of the things on my to do list off ... starting a blog!


  1. Yay Shannon! Looking forward to following this!

  2. I am so glad you started this, can't wait to follow it!

  3. I have to admit I feel a bit overwhelmed when I think of trying to prepare gluten-free foods for my family. I'm not sure where to even begin. I look forward to reading your blog. Thanks for sharing!
