Monday, January 3, 2011

How the Journey began...

So, I'll take you back about ohhh - 14 years or so. My sister and I had stopped for quick chinese take-out, I wolfed it down hungry as could be. Within about half an hour something wasn't right. It was a weird feeling, kind of like being drunk or what you might think a stroke to feel like. Come to find out, the food was LOADED with MSG, and it seemed as though I couldn't tolerate MSG. This began my journey into this crazy freaky food world. I got very good at knowing what foods were loaded with this chemical - anything flavored (chips, rice mixes, soups, chinese take out, premade lasagna etc...) and avoided them with a passion.

Fast forward to the spring of 2007 - it all started out with not feeling great. I had tons of stomach problems, achey joints, my shoulder blade would 'burn', and then came the panic attacks and even an occassional migraine, which reminded me of the original MSG incident - I was certain I'd had a stroke. I kept trying to connect it with MSG, and worked harder to clean up our diet. We began eating more organic foods and I read labels endlessly! Knowing that there must be something more to the puzzle.

This pace continued with some moderate success through the summer of 2009 when really the flood gates opened and everything fell to pieces. To say that my body was failing me was nothing short of an understatement. The symptoms increased and included dizziness (constantly), horrible heart burn, uncontrolable panic attacks and anxiety, plus the endless stomach problems. I was miserable! During 2007 I had been through a slew of doctors, and so I began once again - trying to find anyone who would really listen to me and figure out what it all meant. I was certain I was dying of something that they were missing, I was certain I was going crazy! But most of all, I was certain this wasn't what my life was meant to be.

They said it all - the doctors that is...IBS (which by the way is a symptom, not a disease), heart burn, your stressed out take time for yourself ... the comments go on and on. And they prescribed EVERYTHING - unbelieveable! I had a gallon sized zip-loc bag full of medication that was supposed to help, really it was just making me worse!

I knew it was food, and even had a hunch at the time it was 'wheat'. In one last attempt I found a doctor that fit my needs. She's a Naturopath and I credit her for saving me :) The first appointment she spent 1.5 hours with me and my amazing husband, Mr. E. She listened, she cared and at the end she said she'd help me. With paperwork in hand for a gazillion (well, not really) labs I was sent on my way. Two weeks later the test results would not lie. My IgG panel showed that any gluten containing foods were giving me a reaction, and a DNA test would confirm that although not a celiac, gluten was not my friend. I possess two genes for gluten intolerance. It seemed so surreal - I was the one who took meat of a sandwich and ate the bread and cheese, I was the one who LOVED (and really still do) a warm loaf of sourdough bread smothered in butter, and really I was the one who would choose toast over just about anything else for many years...the food I loved most was making me terribly ill. With the test results came the recommendation to test the kids, and low and behold their IgG panel showed the same (plus a few others), this would mean our household would become entirely gluten free (GF).

By all means this was just the start of my new journey. The road has not been easy, it has been long and hard. It took nearly five months before I felt 'good' and I still struggle with the aftermath of what gluten has done to my body. I will post more on some of that another time.

However, through it all I kept what faith I could and knew that God had a plan for me. I knew it was bigger than me. I knew that my tendency toward being obssesive about something I am passionate about would help others. So, here I am!

I have lots to share, lots of thoughts and hopefully a few tips/resources too. A couple of quick, good living tips for everyone :
  • Keep a journal - write what you've eaten today, how you feel, any symptoms you might have. I do this online - it's fast and easy, and convenient to forward on to my doctor.
  • Find your rock - mine was my husband. I call him amazing, because really he is! I can't imagine having to have been in his shoes and watch what he watched. His love and support never wavered - find your rock!
  • Search for a doctor that fits your needs...know what you want and don't settle for less.

With the condensed version of my journey I leave you to enjoy your day to the fullest. Each day truly is a gift, each day is full of potential and each day brings new hope to a better you!

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