Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What's in my pantry?

As I visited with a friend the other day she asked me if I would do a posting of what kinds of food I always keep in the house - what's here to eat on a regular basis :)

Like any household we have diverse tastes and wants for food!  I try to do what I can to accomodate everyone - my kids, my husband, myself and of course friends and family that stop by.  Like I've posted before, one of the things I love to do is provide a great tasting meal.  I want you to walk away thinking 'wow, that was tasty!'

What's in my fridge?
  • Dye free condiments.  I get ketchup at Trader Joe's along with pickles, mustard, and organic reduced sugar jellies.  My salad dressings usually come from Whole Foods - I have two brands I love and trust.
  • Organic whole milk for cooking with.
  • Organic eggs...these are a main source of breakfast protein for us!
  • Almond milk - since removing milk from my husbands diet he snores only on a rare occassion now.  We buy the vanilla flavored and it is YUMMY!  Not a big fan of soy and for years thought I was lactose intolerant due to the gluten!
  • TONS of organic veggies and fruit - I like to keep peppers, onions and mushrooms for a quick stir fry.  I also generally have celery, zuchinni and carrots too.  Lots of lettuce!  I have found this yummy organic herb/salad mix that is so tasty!  We love it!
  • Greek yogurt - lots of it!  I really like the Zoi brand.  I buy it in a big carton.  We use it in smoothies, on top of oatmeal or plain with frozen fruit/nuts/cinnamon on top.
  • Cheese - we love cheese!  I keep Tilamook cheddar on hand all the time.  I've looked into their practices and like that they are local too.  I also keep gorgonzola for salads, Babybel single cheeses and cheesesticks for the kids.  I also have some Beechers cheese in there - this adds great flavor to anything!
  • Meat - I buy Columbus style lunch meat...you can find it at Costco.  It's free from many things and the kids love it.  I cut it up and they eat it with rice crackers for lunch.
  • Leftovers!  I plan for leftovers...today I had leftover chicken grilled with a brown rice tortilla and cheese.  Topped it with leftover salad from last night!
What's in my freezer:
  • Lots of meat...I buy when it's on sale.  I try to keep to grass fed beef when possible.  I also always have a bag of shrimp from Costco and some sort of fish.  We love fish/shrimp tacos and love both grilled too!  We also have the benefit of being able to crab in the summer - I shell it and freeze it!  Yummy treat any time of the year!  I fugure with meat it is a cost up front to buy a better quality steak - but it would cost us easily 5 times that amount to take our family of four out to dinner! 
  • Homemade beans - my kids love bean and cheese quesadillas....so I make my own beans!  Have a crockpot and good food processor/blender and voila!  The thaw easily and are a yummy snack!
  • Frozen GF treats - I make cookies, scones, waffles, pancakes and freeze them...quick and easy!
  • Lots of frozen organic/chemical free fruit.  We eat a TON of smoothies (love the VitaMix), just pull out what we want and throw it in!
  • Mini tacos - Trader Joe's sells these yummy  mini tacos...the kids love them for a quick snack!
  • Trader Joe's trays of herbs...garlic, basil and cilantro.  They are little frozen cubes - pop them out and into anything I am making.
  • GF pizza crusts and bread from Udi's...I stock up on these at Whole Foods.
  • Frozen organic veggies...I get them at Costco - corn, peas and green beans.  I love to stir fry the green beans in a bit of olive oil with garlic and pine nuts!  Yummy!
What's in my pantry:
  • Good quality spices.  Spices can make or break ANYTHING!  I personally love Penzey's spices and love that have opened one here in Seattle!  We haven't tried anything we've been disappointed in.
  • GF soups from Pacific Foods - they come in a carton and are all GF!  I have tomato, butternut squash and they now sell cream of mushroom and cream of chicken!
  • Trader Joe's organic marinara...easy dinner :)
  • Trader Joe's brown rice pasta - corkscrews and penne
  • GF staples like my flour mix, organic sugar, quinoa, oats, brown rice etc...
  • Snacks - From Trader Joe's - organic lollipops, small individual chocolate bars, dried cherries, rice crackers, chips and 'pirate booty'.  I also have GF pretzels, homemade chex mix with all 'safe foods', homemade granola (great with yogurt), a nut mix, popcorn (order it from Nebraska...the best stuff), tortilla chips, fresh corn tortillas, multi grain GF crackers and GF cereal - although we really don't each much cereal any longer.
  • Good dark chocolate!
  • Drinks include - tea...I love tea!  I have a new found addiction with Teavana...their stuff is so yummy!  I drink the rooibos with a little local honey every day!  The kids drink juice boxes in their lunches, I tend to buy Hansen's, Trader Joe's brand and sometimes the 100% juice Capri Suns.  We also always keep a pitcher of fresh made black iced tea on hand and of course hot cocoa mix...I really like the Penzey's hot cocoa and/or Whole Foods brand.  For the soda treat, I like Whole Foods 365 brand of soda...
  • Misc - chocolate chips (that sometimes I just eat :)...I like the Ghirardelli brand or Trader Joe's brand, Spectrum organic vegetable shorting (not BHT preservative in this), boxed GF muffin mixes for a pinch and numerous other little things.
I hope this gives you some ideas!  I am a planner so tend to have things planned in advance.  I like to look through my cookbooks/freezer and plan 10-14 days worth of meals.  I make sure to have all the things necessary on hand to make all those meals.  Then I post the list and let the kids and my husband take turns picking dinners.  It works great, because I have preselected the meals, but they love having a buy in with getting to pick what we'll eat that night!

By all means we eat our share of treats...I eat dark chocolate on a daily basis!  My kids get some sort of treat daily - a homemade GF cookie, a small chocolate from TJ's etc...but I feel good about the quality of food I have on hand!


  1. Thanks for the great post! Although we are not a GF family, I'm inspired by your healthy approach to food and how you care for your family :-) Would you be willing to do a future post on your homemade bean and cheese burritos? Yum!

  2. They are easy Sue! I put a 2lb bag of pinto beans in the crockpot, fill with water...about 2 inches over the top of the beans. Soak overnight. Drain the beans and add fresh water in the morning along with some cumin, garlic, salt or even just taco seasoning. Cook in the crockpot on low for a good 8 hours. I then run them through the food processor in small doses added more garlic/salt/cumin as needed. If you like them thicker add less of the liquid from the crockpot :) Then we just spread the beans with cheese in a corn tortilla shell---YUM! The beans freeze GREAT! I also use it for a quick bean dip!
